FAMILY Clockwise: Milo, Nancy, Paco, Pepe and Dylan

Nancy Barba was born in Los Angeles and raised in South Central LA.  Nancy’s grandparents came to the U.S. via the bracero program laboring in farms, mines and railroads while her single mother worked as a sample maker in the fashion district in Downtown LA.  

Thanks to the sacrifices her family made, Nancy was afforded the opportunity to participate in the LAUSD integration services for schooling that required riding the bus from South LA to Sherman Oaks one hour in each direction.  Her lived experiences are the backbone to her life’s work as a results-driven leader throughout her community. 

Currently serving in a senior leadership role Nancy oversees energy efficiency programs and strategic funding guidance for government and utility clients,  tackling some of California's largest and most innovative building decarbonization goals. 

As a first generation Latina, urban environmentalist, advocate for equity, wife and mother, Nancy is a former member of the Culver City Planning Commission and founder of Culver City for More Homes where she organized and advocated for more housing, renters' protections and rights, and the end of segregation in Culver City.

As a future member of the City Council, Nancy will not only be the first Latina to serve Culver City but will leverage her experience and continue to be data-informed policy maker and public servant with a clear vision to ensure our city is attainable and sustainable.  


  • B.S., Business Administration, California State University, Long Beach

  • Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional Operations and Maintenance

  • Certified Green Building Professional

  • Certified GreenPoint Advisor

Community Service

  • Walk and Roller Committee Member at El Marino Language School 2022 - present.

  • Sierra Club Angeles Chapter Executive Committee member 2023 -present.

  • Sierra Club West Los Angeles Group's Executive Committee member 2022, Vice Chair 2023 - present.

  • MOMS Club of Culver City East, President 2015 – 2016.

  • Samuel Goldwyn Foundation Children’s Center Parent Advisory League, Co-President 2018-2019.

Nancy at the Culver City Pride Event 2022.

Culver City Service

  • Finance Advisory Committee Member 2018 – 2020

  • Planning Commissioner 2020 – 2024

  • Culver City Pride Ride and Rally Steering Committee Member 2023

  • Rancho Higuera Neighborhood Association, Board Member 2020 - 2023

Help Elect Nancy Barba!